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From the Blog

Cliffwood NJ Dog Walker

Cliffwood NJ Dog Walker

This Cliffwood NJ Dog Walker is thrilled to share a photo of our newest pal, Marcel, who is just as sweet as he is adorable! Actually, we lied…he’s even sweeter! Pleasure to know you, little buddy!

Aberdeen Dog Walking

Aberdeen Dog Walking

Aberdeen Dog Walking Dog of the Day- Bella: Cold winter weather is a breeze when you’ve got a luscious coat like our Aberdeen dog walking friend, Bella! Looking good, beautiful!

Hazlet NJ Dog Walking

Hazlet NJ Dog Walking

While Dog Days NJ is best known as your neighborhood Hazlet NJ Dog Walking service, we are also dog parents and we adopted Miss Maggie back in May. So this Thanksgiving, in addition to being eternally grateful for our wonderful customers, we’re also thankful that this sweet dog found her way into our lives! Happy […]

Dog Days NJ

Dog Days NJ

And I thought I was Archie’s biggest fan! Ahem…is this thing on? Hey, we’re your neighborhood dog walkers, not comedians so give us a break, huh?

Matawan NJ Dog Walking

Matawan NJ Dog Walking

Matawan NJ Dog Walking Dog of the Day- Gizmo: “How many different outfits do I need to put on for you to make me Dog of the Day?!” Don’t worry, buddy, every dog has his day and today is yours!